Shipping Policy

In order to offer premium quality product(s), all the product(s) will be shipped directly from our factories to Our Site first and then after careful checking, Our will ship the item out.

Handling Time

We need about 3-4 working days for processing your order, we will offer tracking number via email. 

Shipping Options & Time

Continent Country Standard Shipping-FREE Express Shipping(FedEx/DHL) UPS
North America Canada, United States, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago… 7-20 business days 3-5 business days 1-2 business days(United States only)
South America Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador… 7-20 business days 3-5 business days
Africa South Africa, Zambia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Senegal, Botswana, Tanzania, Congo - Brazzaville… 7-20 business days 3-5 business days
Europe Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey, Croatia, LatviaUnited, Macedonia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Russia, United Kingdom… 7-20 business days 3-5 business days
Oceania Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea… 7-20 business days 3-5 business days
East Asia Japan, P.R Korea, R.Korea, Mongolia… 7-20 business days 3-5 business days
Southeast Asia Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam… 7-20 business days 3-5 business days
West Asia Saudi Arabia, Jordan… 7-20 business days 3-5 business days
Other country buyer Please contact us Please contact us


The total delivery time = handling time/production time + shipping time

Please note:

1. we cannot ship via a traceable method to any post office boxes. Delivery time cannot be guaranteed nor can the package be tracked. We encourage all deliveries be made to a physical address so packages can be tracked.

2. For the cardholder's protection, the company reserves the right to send orders to the billing address if a differing shipping address cannot be verified.

3. We are not responsible for any duties, taxes, or additional charges that may be charged by Customs for any International deliveries.